Human Rights Doc

CAMUFLAJE by Jonathan Perel
Argentina, 1h29′
Writer Félix Bruzzone embodies a runner who has an obsession with Campo de Mayo, Argentina’s largest military unit. Main clandestine center of detention, torture and extermination during the last dictatorship, it is also the place where his mother disappeared in 1976. Félix meets characters who allow him to enter and explore this place so steeped in history.

THE SKY IS RED by Francina Carbonell
Chile, 1h14′
The San Miguel prison fire in 2010 killed 81 prisoners. Only a few crash records were available to the press. This documentary has full access to the criminal record. Through the re-use of these licensed materials their evidential nature will be verified. How and to what extent can we look at the remnants of that dark episode?

Czech Rep., 1h20′
The Hanuliaks, a Slovakian couple, have decided to raise their son according to Kamevéda, a complex approach to developing motor skills and intellect in children. This film documents a year in the life of four-year-old Miško in which not a minute is lost because moments of rest are just a preparation for the next achievement.

HOSTILE by Sonita Gale
United Kingdom, 1h37′
The UK’s complicated relationship with its migrant communities, told through the stories of four migrants from Black and Asian backgrounds. The film reveals the impact of the “hostile environment”, a term used by the UK government in 2012 to describe the atmosphere it wanted to create for migrants, with the intention of inducing them to leave of their own accord. Hostile explores how the lives of international students, members of the Windrush generation and so-called “highly skilled migrants” have been affected. After decades of hostile immigration policies, Britain has reached a crisis point. With Brexit, the points system of immigration and the nationality and borders law coming into force, the film asks: once the “hostile environment” has targeted all migrants, who will it extend to?

LAND OF UPRIGHT PEOPLE by Christian Carmosino Mereu
Italy, 1h46′
The film tells the search for freedom of four Burkinabé citizens: a musician leader of the revolution that began in October 2014 (the icon of the reggae scene Sams’K Le Jah, awarded by Amnesty International as Ambassador of Conscience), a candidate in the upcoming elections , a miner engaged in union struggle and a mother who has to take care of a poor and large family, all united by the hope that their country will soon become truly free and just: the “country of people of integrity”, as the revolutionary Thomas Sankara, whose memory is still very much alive in the population.

LAS ABOGADAS by Victoria Bruce
USA – 1h34′
For four extraordinary women practicing immigration law, the refugee crisis is an issue they cannot ignore. Las Abogadas follows four female lawyers on a multi-year odyssey between 2018, when the United States under President Trump overturns every law to protect those fleeing violence and war, and 2021, when things don’t improve (and somehow worsen) under President Biden. Rebecca Eichler sets up a legal clinic in a Volkswagen van amid 5,000 desperate migrants; Charlene D’Cruz forces border guards to follow the law and accept three disabled children into the United States; Mulu Alemayehu crosses border to assist African migrants stranded in Tijuana; Jodi Goodwin provides legal advice to families desperate to get to American soil.

LOS ZULUAGAS by Flavia Montini
Italy, 1h20′
In an attempt to understand his parents’ radical choices, a son of the guerrillas returns to Colombia after 25 years of exile and digs into the family archive. Extraordinary footage and private writings reveal endless conflicts and painful memories. Thus begins an impossible dialogue.

MARA by Sasha Kulak
France, 1h01′
The documentary captures the changing emotions of ordinary people following the 2020 elections in Belarus. The narrative invites the viewer to join Mara as she watches the story unfold, haunted by the scenes on the street where she is caught between facing her reality and escape into his dreams. This is an essay about a common nightmare, a nightmare that has united an entire nation.

NO TEMEMOS MIEDO by Manuele Franceschini
Italy, 1h10′
The increase in the price of public transport sparks an unexpected rebellion. Popular anger is exploding, rooted in decades of discontent, the consequence of a savage neoliberal system that has deprived people of the most essential services, in a country that has never returned to true democracy thirty years after the end of the dictatorship of Pinochet. From the first days of the rebellion we start hearing about a new urban legend, the Primera Linea, a spontaneous order service that defends the demonstrators. Scenes of protest and urban warfare cross the streets and squares of the town. The people crowd the famous Plaza Italia, the zero zone of Chilean demonstrations, now renamed Plaza de la Dignidad. The repression by the Chilean police is brutal.

PORTRAIT by Yael Kipper e Ronen Zaretzky
Israel, 1h23′
The film touchingly and movingly tells the stories of Israeli society women who have been killed by their partners. The film also documents in real time the women who could be the next victims, women who suffer violence on a daily basis. Together they look at the camera and claim their right to live free from threats and fears.

RANCHO by Pedro Speroni
Argentina, 1h12′
In a maximum security prison a boxer seeks his freedom and gets advice from the head of the pavilion, a man who has been imprisoned for 30 years and is the beacon for all those inside. There is also a group of young men who dream of being millionaires and a young man who enters for killing his stepfather. “Rancho” witnesses gestures, tensions and unique moments that help build a choral story of characters, not only united by prison, but also by the violence and marginality in which they grew up.

HISTORY OF NOBODY by Costantino Margiotta
Italy, 1h21′
Giovanni Lo Porto seems to have an already written destiny. But he manages to spread his wings and take flight. He studies, travels, becomes cooperative. He dies, too young and after three years of captivity, under friendly fire from a US drone.

SWING AND SWAY by Fernanda Pessoa e Chica Barbosa
Brazil, 1h23′
The year in which everything has radically changed, where real and invisible borders have taken on another dimension, is the root of a filmic provocation. Two friends, separated by the northern and southern hemispheres of America, dance in the tumult of images, violence, frustrations and desires. They do this through a game where recording themselves and the women around them becomes a dialogue that becomes real and vivid, like an embrace determined to resist distance.

VOICELESS. THE SILENCED GENOCIDE by Víctor G. Villavieja e Martín Soto
Spain, 1h03′
In 1993 the president of Burundi is assassinated and a wave of ethnic violence engulfs the country. Years later, Lievin Manisha, one of the survivors of that massacre, denounces the violent crisis that still affects millions of Burundians. As she tries to heal his personal wounds, he uncovers the hidden history of his country, a dark truth that had been buried.

ZINDER by Aicha Macky
Niger, 1h23′
In the small town of Zinder in Niger, in the poor area of ​​Kara-Kara, once the neighborhood of lepers, a culture of gang violence reigns. A group of young people try to free themselves from this violence, some try to start a family and make a living rather than end up in prison. Aicha Macky, originally from Zinder, films their daily life, divided between gangs and families.