
On 11 November, The Napoli Film Festival of Human Rights dedicates a special event to commemorate the Srebrenica massacre, together with Amnesty International and the Atlante dei conflitti.

In July 1995, in Srebrenica, a town in eastern Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Bosnian Serbians soldiers led by General Ratko Mladic killed about seven thousand Bosnian Muslims men and boys. Despite the presence of a contingent of Dutch UN peacekeepers in the town, Srebrenica was occupied on July 11. Srebrenica is considered the worst massacre in Europe since World War II, and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) has defined it, since 2001, an act of genocide. The tragedy occurred during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which began in late March 1992.
The Srebrenica massacre continues to divide public opinion and the political class in Serbia.

On ICTY and Srebrenica, see here.