
In the last 25 years the local community of Val Susa opposed the decision set up a (useless and harmful) project as the Turin-Lyon TAV. A quarter of a century was not enough to weaken the resistance of the villagers. But it was not enough even for Italian democracy to recognize an institutional framework for listening to the reasons of the tenacious opposition. The decision to call the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal signals the deafening absence of a response from the the national institutions. Authoritarism, as a prerogative of what was once dismissed as the third world’s attitude toward their own peoples, is an option followed in this case, whereas economic and financial reasons are directly influencing the decision more than local inabithants’ interests.

It is a new trend in decision-making, in the heart of Europe, where solemn Bill of Rights were proclaimed. A trend showing greater indifference toward the population, and corrupting modern democracy irreparably. The Festival asked the President of “Contro Osservatorio Val Susa” to address the associations of Campania, for giving information on the outcome of the Permanent People’s Tribunal session, taking place on 5-8 November in Turin.

The issue of No-TAV Movement is emblematic for other situations occurring in Campania in particular, a territory too easily referred to, and journalistically archived, as a ‘terra dei fuochi’ (land of fires). The meeting with Livio Pepino is planned for Saturday, November 14, 2015, 10:00 am at the ex Asilo Filangieri .