
The 12th Edition of the Naples Human Rights Film Festival will take place next November. It is entitled “HUMAN RIGHTS ON ITS KNEES – Pandemic, Sovereigns and New Discriminations”.

The authors of audiovisual works, interested in entering the competition for the prizes in the 4 sections of the Festival, DOC, SHORT, YOUTH and CIAK MIGRACTION, are invited to learn about the attached competition notice and to download the release clause, to be filled in, signed and sent to the Festival Organisation Committee.

The presented works must meet the criteria stated in the notice and must have been produced from November 1st, 2018.

The deadline for the submission of the works is August 30, 2020.

The XII Edition presents, for the first time, the CIAK MIGRACTION section open to works created by young migrant authors and to works that contribute to a positive and real narrative of migrations, second generations and conditions of inclusion in the social context of European countries.

Thank you for your interest and affiliations.

Info: competition@cinenapolidiritti.it


The Human Rights Film Festival of Naples Organisation Committee

FCDU-Competition Notice 2020 [ENG] (109 downloads)

FCDU-Release Clause [ENG] (189 downloads)

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