
The Fourteenth Edition of the Naples Human Rights Film Festival titled “UN: Peace (im)possible?” will take place in November 2022 in the city of Naples as both an online and in-person event.

The Ukrainian crisis has put the United Nations system back at the center of attention, the ideal place for planetary politics and for the recomposition of the injuries of the most fragile balances.

The film competition of the 14th edition of the Naples Human Rights Film Festival 2022 is, as always, open to all films that deal with any topic of Human Rights.
A UN reform cannot be postponed and remaining indifferent to this necessity means pushing humanity adrift, condemning this institution to succumb to the new demands that arise with every surge in history.
During this edition of the Festival we will discuss together what the UN has been and where it has culpably stopped making its voice heard, to understand which errors should no longer be committed and how we can return to hope for Peace, trusting in the relaunch of a institution that belongs to everyone, but that not everyone knows well enough.

The XIV Naples Human Rights Film Festival Competition is divided into 6 sections: 

A) HUMAN RIGHTS DOC AWARD, open to works lasting longer than 52 minutes.

B) HUMAN RIGHTS SHORT AWARD, open to short films lasting less than or equal to 52 minutes.

C) HUMAN RIGHTS YOUTH AWARD, open to works of authors under 25 years of age or addressed to an audience of children and/or young people up to 25 years of age, lasting no longer than 30 minutes.

D) SWISS AMBASSADOR FOR PEACE AWARD, open to works about events and issues related to the theme of Peace.

E) PRIZE “UN PONTE PER…”, addressed to works that deal with topics related to migration, political asylum and refugees.

F) “FICC” PRIZE, open to works about the commitment and experiences related to the work of the Agencies of the United Nations.

The authors of audiovisual works, interested in entering the competition for the prizes, are invited to learn about the attached competition notice and to download the release clause, to be filled in, signed and sent to the Festival Organisation Committee.

The presented works must meet the criteria stated in the notice and must have been produced not before than June 1st, 2020.

The deadline for the submission of the works is June 30, 2022.

Thank you for your interest and affiliations.

Info: competition@cinenapolidiritti.it


The Human Rights Film Festival of Naples Organisation Committee

FCDU-Competition Notice 2022 [ENG] (64 downloads)

FCDU-Release Clause [ENG] (66 downloads)