
The Fifteenth Edition of the Naples Human Rights Film Festival titled “DirittiMinori – Children at War” will take place in November 2023 in the city of Naples as both an online and in-person event.

The world is sliding, year after year, towards a global, fragmented and creeping war. What a few years ago were called “outbreaks” have become conflicts and then wars and everything is going towards the worst.
There are spectators of this depressing context who become actors and become so long before their legitimate age: they are children, adolescents, young people. The Naples Human Rights Film Festival has decided, this year, to tell this scenario from the point of view of minors, involuntary little protagonists who can do nothing but adapt to the choices of people very distant from them and suffer the consequences.

The film competition of the 15th edition of the Naples Human Rights Film Festival 2023 is, as always, open to all films that deal with any topic of Human Rights.

The XIV Naples Human Rights Film Festival Competition is divided into 4 sections: 

A) HUMAN RIGHTS DOC AWARD, open to works lasting longer than 52 minutes.

B) HUMAN RIGHTS SHORT AWARD, open to short films lasting less than or equal to 52 minutes.

C) HUMAN RIGHTS YOUTH AWARD, open to works of authors under 25 years of age or addressed to an audience of children and/or young people up to 25 years of age, lasting no longer than 30 minutes.

D) SWISS AMBASSADOR FOR PEACE AWARD, open to works about events and issues related in a broad sense to the theme of Peace and its implications.

For works selected in the competitive sections HUMAN RIGHTS DOC, HUMAN RIGHTS SHORT AND HUMAN RIGHTS YOUTH, there is also:

  • the “MARIO PACIOLLA” PRIZE, in collaboration with the NGO “Un Ponte per…,” for works dealing with international cooperation, solidarity and volunteerism
  • the “FICC” PRIZE, in collaboration with the Italian Federation of Cinema Circles
  • the Special Mention, entitled to the memory of Vittorio Arrigoni and Juliano Mer Khamis, to the work that, with courage, passion and independence, brings to light marginalized situations and stories which describe little known struggles as a form of modern civil activism
  • the Special Mention (“Platea Diffusa“)

The authors of audiovisual works, interested in entering the competition for the prizes, are invited to learn about the attached competition notice and to download the release clause, to be filled in, signed and sent to the Festival Organisation Committee.

The presented works must meet the criteria stated in the notice and must have been produced not before than June 1st, 2021.

The deadline for the submission of the works is June 30, 2023.

Thank you for your interest and affiliations.

Info: competition@cinenapolidiritti.it


The Human Rights Film Festival of Naples Organisation Committee

FCDU-Competition Notice 2023 [ENG] (44 downloads)

FCDU-Release Clause [ENG] (110 downloads)